Tuesday, March 28, 2017

"Fire Alarms Round #2 and a day in YSA!"

Hey everyone! My P-day was on Tuesday because yesterday was Ceasar Chavez Day.... none of us know what that is. It is a California holiday, but I don't think the people in California knew it was a holiday either. Apparently, it is like Martin Luther King Day for Mexicans. So ya. That is all I have to say about that one. 

Some exciting things that happened this week was I cut Hermana Nelson’s hair and it looks pretty good! Also during weekly planning all of a sudden, the fire alarms started going off, now that is my second time this has happened. Once in Valencia and now here. It took them an hour and a half to turn it off so we sat in our car to do weekly planning and blocked out the noise while the fire fighters tried to figure out what was wrong. Anyways, well this week has been awesome and we had some really big miracles happen! 

We have been working hard on finding new investigators and we picked up some really solid people this week and I want to tell you about one of them. I am sure you remember that our church building caught on fire. Well because of that we have been at a different building. Wednesday night we were there having a meeting and mutual going was going on at the same time. Right then a lady walked into the church building from our ward who had been less active for 10 years and had been wanting to come back to church. She was driving home that night and saw people in the church building by her house and she decided that it was time to go back. She walked in and we found her and her son. She told us that her son was 10 and that he hadn't been baptized yet and she wants him to get baptized! We have met with him a few times this week and he is so excited to get baptized on April 22! He loved church and already has so many friends! Timing is key!

This week we also went on exchanges with our STL's (Sister Training Leaders) this week so I was able to go to YSA (Young Single Adults) and work for a day! It was so fun and we covered the whole valley. I was able to go to North Hollywood for the afternoon for some lessons and then go eat at this awesome pizza place right off of Hollywood Way! It was crazy and everyone looked like they were famous rich people, they probably were. But the exchange was so fun with Hermana Figueroa. We also taught so many awesome spiritual lessons! 

For the end of my email I wanted to talk about how awesome Women’s Conference was! I loved how much they put a focus on having Christ as our Center. If we are leaning unto our own understanding we aren't centered, Centered in Christ! He should always be our number one! I can't express how much I Love My Savior! We are so blessed to be able to also have conference this weekend so go watch it! Conference is such a big blessing that the Lord has given to us to be able to receive revelation and spiritual guidance so go take advantage of it!  

Well I love all you guys and have an amazing week! 

-Hermana Hadley

Exchanges with Hermana Figueroa <3

Hollywood Way!

The amazing pizza in North Hollywood!

The Haircut I gave Hermana Nelson ;)

Again, the Fire Fighters outside of our apartment! 
I am becoming great friends with the firemen on my mission!

Incredible Sunsets on a street by our apartment!